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Misunderstandings About The Maintenance And Wiping Of ABS Plastic Lockers

Mar 15, 2021

In daily life, we often have to clean and maintain the lockers to keep them shiny. But you may not know that some wrong cleaning and maintenance methods may temporarily make the locker clean, but actually cause potential damage to the locker. As the use time increases, your locker will appear unable to Remedy the problem.

1. Do not wipe the dust on the surface of the locker with a dry cloth

When wiping the locker, do not use coarse cloth or old clothes that you no longer wear as a rag. Use towels, cotton cloth, cotton fabric or flannel cloth and other absorbent fabrics to wipe the Shandong locker. Coarse cloth, threaded cloth, or old clothes with stitches, buttons, etc. that can cause scratches on the surface of the locker should be avoided as much as possible. Dust is composed of fibers, sand and silica, and many people are used to cleaning the surface of the locker with a dry cloth. In fact, these fine particles have damaged the surface of the locker in the friction of wiping back and forth. Although these scratches are minimal and even invisible to the naked eye, over time, the surface of the locker will become dim and rough, and the light will no longer be bright.

2. Do not use soapy water, detergent or water to clean the locker

Many people see that the locker is dirty and used to clean it with soapy water, detergent and other cleaning products. In fact, this not only cannot effectively remove the dust accumulated on the surface of the locker, but also cannot remove the silica sand particles before lighting. They are corrosive, which can damage the surface of the locker and make the paint surface of the locker dull.

Keeping the locker clean is a good thing, and maintenance is also out of caring for the items. What we must pay attention to is the misunderstanding of wiping the locker. Don't hurt the locker because of the wrong method.

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